Exercise, fitness, and endurance are all things that can seem like a daunting task for women everywhere. Women often take on the burden juggling many tasks including caring for family, and they often find themselves neglecting their own personal health. With such hectic schedules, women are finding it challenging to stick to an exercise routine and thus many women are calling upon their mama for help.
In a study done by the University of Utah, mothers and daughters that exercised together were found to maintain a routine and show greater results in weight loss, endurance, and strength. In addition to being fit and healthy there are several other reasons why #TeamMotherDaughter is a winning combination.
Accountability – When you have someone to hold you accountable for achieving your goals you are more likely to stay on the path to maintaining your regiment. And who better to keep hold you accountable than someone who will give you the tough love you need to push through the “hard part.”
Quality time – As we return to new “normal” from the pandemic, we get busy with our day-to-day activities. This often means we have less time to spend with those we love the most. So, why not kill two birds with one stone by spending time with our mama while getting our heart rate up. Working out with a partner will also help the time go faster and make your workout seem less like work and more as a daily gossip or chat session.
Share the victory – Who else would you rather celebrate your little wins (weight loss goals, strength goals or miles reached) with than a big hug from your greatest supporter…your mom.
Recently some of our friends over at Patients Unlimited Marketing Consultants (PUMC) embarked on a mother-daughter journey of their own by participating in the Long Beach 5K together. They trained together, raced together, and celebrated more victories than they ever anticipated.
Here are some other ideas of what you can do with your mom:
Enter a 5K Race: Find a fun themed 5K race (think Hot Chocolate Run, Bubble Run, Color Run) or run for a cause (e.g., Breast Cancer Awareness).
Take a Tennis or Pickle Ball Lesson: Grab a racquet or paddle and challenge each other to a friendly tennis match or pickle ball game. Winner buys coffee.
Take a Zumba Class: Grab your dancin’ shoes and get ready to move with a Zumba class. You can find Zumba classes at your local gym, city recreation centers, or dance studios.
Hike Together: Find a nearby trail and see where it leads you.
Bike Ride Together: Nothing better to keep you young and feeling good than jumping on a bike just like you did when you were a young girl. The fresh air and the cardio workout will help those happy endorphins skyrocket!
Take a Yoga Class: Stretch out in a local yoga class. Yoga has been known to improve mental health, respiration, energy, and vitality. Yoga also helps with maintaining a balanced metabolism and improved cardio and circulatory health.
Take a Pilates Class: Improve your core strength, muscle endurance, and balance together in a Pilates class. Pilates is an excellent way to decrease joint pain and has many other health benefits.
So now is the time for you to do the same. Go ahead and lace up your tennis shoes and get ready to high-five your mama, now is the time for both of you to embark on your new exercise routine and for you to finally see some results.