I’m Sheryl Benjy and I am an abstract impressionistic artist, creative coach, and creative educator. My job is centered around creating beautiful things or making women even more beautiful than they already are.
Beauty is not only physical, it’s deeper than that. Beauty comes from deep within our soul. When I look at someone, I look within and bring it out through the paint and the paintbrush. It’s an inner knowing and feeling that I have, that I believe we all have if we tap into it.
The practice of creating, whether it is through painting, gardening, cooking, or playing a musical instrument, creates beauty in our lives. I do think it even makes us even more enchanting and beautiful in the eyes of many and gives us the confidence to exude more beauty.
When I was going through my most challenging times, I turned to art and creating to heal my soul. I could have fallen apart and become a victim to my circumstances, but I choose not to. I became that beautiful warrior ready to conquer whatever it was that came my way.
I used all the tools in my box to get through those difficulties. Perhaps some of these endeavors can help you and bring more joy and beauty into your life:
- Start painting – My watercolor set became my biggest savior. The energy, frequency, and vibration I felt from every color I used made me feel whole again and the feeling that I could get through anything in this life.
- Gardening – I found putting my hands in the dirt in my garden grounded me.
- Cooking – A meal with your family may bring you not only nourishment but peace, and happiness.
- Music – Take those musical lessons that you have always wanted to do. I found that taking piano lessons again, after 20 years off, allowed me to express all my emotions through music.
- Explore and unwind! There is so much beauty in everyday living that we may take for granted.
My other passion is body painting. Whenever I do a body painting on someone, I see how they change physically and emotionally after our session. They tell me how soothing and healing each brush stroke is on their skin, how they feel like they are in an enchanting world. They are glowing. Nothing is more beautiful than that.
So today I encourage you to find ways to bring more beauty in your life through creativity. The time to heal is right now and you my friend have the power to do that.
Beautify.com invites you to explore the world of beauty through Sheryl Benjy, artist, body painter and coach. Visit: https://www.sherylbenjy.com/about/
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